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Ms. Terry Cerezo

Ms. Terry Cerezo
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Biyernes, Oktubre 5, 2012

K-Puyikang Takara

A Must-Have Feminine Hygiene ProductsWith K-Puyikang women can Be Clean, Feel Fresh and Be Confident!
  • K-Puyikang is an exceptionally wonderful product for women’s general well being. Possess unique properties for feminine hygiene.
  • K-Puyikang is a unique feminine hygiene product that helps to prevent leucorrhoea (a medical condition in which vaginal discharge occurs due to infection to the genital tract i.e. in the uterus, cervix or vagina) and to overcome unpleasant feminine discharges, offensive odour, bacterial and viral infections, inflammations and other irritations associated with leucorrhoea.
  • There are other similar discharges naturally occurring in correspondence to the female biological condition.
Some of these are:
  1. The day before or during ovulation, in which heavy and thick discharge occurs.
  2. Several days before or during menstruation, in which the discharge is heavy and dark in color.
  3. Pregnancy also causes heavy discharges.
What every woman should know?· The vagina will definitely loose its firmness due to extensive exercise, though it has elastic muscles that can expand during child birth, its natural firmness can no longer be retained back and it increases its mucus reproduction. · A normal vaginal discharge should be odorless, lightly colored to colorless and must not cause any irritation. Other female biological condition which may cause discharges includes: 1. The day before or during ovulation, in which heavy and thick discharge occurs. 2. Several days before or during menstruation, in which the discharge is heavy and dark in color. 3. Heavy discharges during pregnancy
  • Heavy discharges characterized with yellowish or reddish discharge may be an indication of infection. One of which is leucorrhoea in which vaginal discharge occurs due to the infection of the uterus, cervix and vagina. The mucous discharge is transparent to whitish in color.
  • Heavy discharge may also indicate infection that causes vaginal inflammation. When inflammation occurs, women will experience abnormally heavy discharge with a darker appearance, strong odor, irritation around the vaginal area and even uneasiness during sex. Pregnant women, diabetics and those who are on constant antibiotics are prone to this feminine problem.
  • Some women try to prevent feminine problem by maintaining proper hygiene. However some women tend to practice wrong feminine hygiene with the use of wrong product or soap which only makes the problem worse.

Now women can put these worries behind, Puyikang Takara has all the answers.It helps wash away vaginal discharge and odour-causing bacteria while providing an invigorating cleansing of the vaginal walls. It also help strengthens the vaginal muscle tissue by increasing its elasticity and contractile strength hence restoring the sensitivity of the feminine areas. Regular use will help you regulate menstruation and eliminate feminine problems. K-Puyikang will give you the confidence to be the woman that you are once more.PUYIKANG TAKARA is a unique feminine hygiene product from Japan which may be used daily for women’s protection against vaginal problems. Research shows that one contributing reason for the increased number of women suffering from cervix cancer is the lack of feminine hygiene leading to bacterial, viral or fungal infections. Said infection results in unsightly white leucorrhea discharges, embarrassing odor, irritation and inflammation of the vagina, the fallopian tube and the cervix. Puyikang Takara can resolve these vaginal problems. It helps overcome women’s irritating problems such as unhygienic secretions, white discharge, unpleasant odor, stench, vaginal itch, etc. It reduces inflammation, kills germs, avoids feminine dampness and prevents looseness and ageing. Puyikang Takara helps regulates menstrual period and helps cleans the uterus, and provides a protective layer for the uterus lining. It also tightens and strengthens the women’s vaginal muscles for firmer sensation, providing maximum pleasure during sexual intercourse.
Clean, Protect, and tighten vagina muscles tighten Women Like Teen Back Increase Sexual Satisfaction Husband Wife Relationship

  • Special health products sensitive part of womanhood
  • Solve almost all problems are often experienced by female
  • Superior products with formulations japan
  • Made from natural ingredients that have been tested for safety for every woman
The benefits of using K-Puyikang include:
  • Eliminating bad odors.
  • Washing away bacteria.
  • Restoring youthful sensitivity.
  • Helping to return firmness to the vaginal muscles.
  • Preventing odors from happening in the first place.
  • Heightening intimate sensations for maximum pleasure
  • Staying clean will help you remain calm and worry less.
  • Restoring youthful confidence and maintaining sensitivity.
  • Optimally producing a clean, healthy, fresh and odorless environment.
  • Cleansing away discharge and bacteria that can cause embarrassing odors.
Puyikang Takara Function:
  • As an antiseptic to kill bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses
  • Prevent and cure excessive mucus emergence, irritability, vaginal discharge, taste and smell bad.
  • Re-tighten the muscles and tighten the vagina due to childbirth etc.
  • Helps the treatment of cervical cancer or a cyst.
Vaginal infections occur because:
  • Stress
  • Fluctuations in hormone production
  • Increased humidity and sweat in the vaginal area
  • Menopause
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Gestation
  • Drinking certain drugs or anti-biotic
  • Wearing pants that are too tight
  • Intercourse without adequate lubrication
  • Materials underwear that does not absorb sweat
  • Diabetes
  • Cleaning areas that are less clean femininity
The cause of lack Elastisan Vagina Muscles
  • Women who gave birth to loss of elasticity in pregnancy until the birth process widened the uterine muscle.
  • It could also result from too often do a husband-wife relationship.
  • Reduces pleasure when the husband-wife relationship.
Inflammation of the Vagina:
  • Occurs due to infections caused by viruses and bacteria
  • Often react with excessive mucus discharge, dark colored (yellowish to dark red) and smell.
  • In a more serious condition that can lead to serious bleeding.
  • Creates a feeling of discomfort / pain during intercourse.
  • It can also transmit the husband at the time of the husband-wife relationship.
Made from natural materials:
  • Radix Astragali
  • Rhizoma Dioscorea
  • Halloysitum rubrom
  • Cortex phellodendri
  • Fossoia ossis mastudi (os. Draonis)
How to Use:
  • Fill the tube dispenser with warm water until the boundary line which has been determined (± 100ml). Enter 1 (one) sachet of K-PUYIKANG into the dispenser tube, and shake until blended.
  • Apply pipe dispenser (about 5 cm) into the vagina and press the plastic bottle (spray), then the new pressure dispenser removed after the pipe is pulled out of the vagina. Repeat until.
  • Gunakan (30 minutes) before the bath.
  • Do not use soap or other products after the use of K-PUYIKANG.
  • The first week of use every day, then use 1 (one) week 1 (one) timeto feel the benefits of the sexual relationship of husband and wife after use for 1 week.
Direction of Use:The product comes with a douche (container) especially designed for women. Put contents of one (1) sachet in the container provided, add lukewarm water and shake well. Use at least 30 minutes before taking a bath and wash afterwards with warm water.Caution: 1. Not advisable for pregnant women. 2. Do not use during menstruation 3. Do not insert the douche to deeply to avoid discomfort, pain or even injury. 4. The product is not intended for any medical purposes, 5. If allergies or irritation occurred after using the product, please be advised to consult your physician.Quantity:
* 1 box = 7 sachet

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