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Ms. Terry Cerezo

Ms. Terry Cerezo
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Biyernes, Oktubre 5, 2012

K-Sophie Sanitary Pad

K-Sophie (Overnight) Sanitary PadThey are made of three layers: a soft, cotton shell and a layer of super absorbent contribution trap moisture. Length of sanitary napkins: 28 cm.

Designed for daily use (panty liners), providing comfort all day long! Protect, appreciate and love yourself with K-Sophie sanitary pad! K-Sophie sanitary pads and pantiliners are made with special formula, combining traditional herbs ingredients with the latest biotechnology- based agent to help reducing ladies problem caused by bacteria, vagina inflammation, itchiness and odour.9 Unique Features of K-Sophie Sanitary Pad

  • Pure cotton silky soft quilted cover
  • A layer of soft and fine pure cotton to keep you dry, refreshing and comfortable

Highly absorbent
  • Made of a combination of highly absorbent materials, providing maximum protection with ultimate comfort

Ultra Thin
  • The thickness of each pad is only 0.3mm. It is so thin that you can hardly feel it is there!

Special Formula Of Natural Herbs
  • Tested and tried throughout the years using nature’s methods to allay the monthly discomfort

Bio-Tech Anti-Bacterial Core
  • It is anti-bacterial with biotechnology and highly absorbent.

Natural Breathable Materials
  • A natural combination of plant resin and tree extracts for the back sheet.

Refreshing & Odourless
  • Refreshing and does not emit odour.

Proof Of Non-Toxicity
  • Microbiologically tested by SGS Taiwan Ltd. As free from toxic materials and heavy metal.

High Quality Control
  • Made of dust-free protective membrane which effectively absorb moisture and prevent leakage to keep you fresh and dry.

K-Puyikang Takara

A Must-Have Feminine Hygiene ProductsWith K-Puyikang women can Be Clean, Feel Fresh and Be Confident!
  • K-Puyikang is an exceptionally wonderful product for women’s general well being. Possess unique properties for feminine hygiene.
  • K-Puyikang is a unique feminine hygiene product that helps to prevent leucorrhoea (a medical condition in which vaginal discharge occurs due to infection to the genital tract i.e. in the uterus, cervix or vagina) and to overcome unpleasant feminine discharges, offensive odour, bacterial and viral infections, inflammations and other irritations associated with leucorrhoea.
  • There are other similar discharges naturally occurring in correspondence to the female biological condition.
Some of these are:
  1. The day before or during ovulation, in which heavy and thick discharge occurs.
  2. Several days before or during menstruation, in which the discharge is heavy and dark in color.
  3. Pregnancy also causes heavy discharges.
What every woman should know?· The vagina will definitely loose its firmness due to extensive exercise, though it has elastic muscles that can expand during child birth, its natural firmness can no longer be retained back and it increases its mucus reproduction. · A normal vaginal discharge should be odorless, lightly colored to colorless and must not cause any irritation. Other female biological condition which may cause discharges includes: 1. The day before or during ovulation, in which heavy and thick discharge occurs. 2. Several days before or during menstruation, in which the discharge is heavy and dark in color. 3. Heavy discharges during pregnancy
  • Heavy discharges characterized with yellowish or reddish discharge may be an indication of infection. One of which is leucorrhoea in which vaginal discharge occurs due to the infection of the uterus, cervix and vagina. The mucous discharge is transparent to whitish in color.
  • Heavy discharge may also indicate infection that causes vaginal inflammation. When inflammation occurs, women will experience abnormally heavy discharge with a darker appearance, strong odor, irritation around the vaginal area and even uneasiness during sex. Pregnant women, diabetics and those who are on constant antibiotics are prone to this feminine problem.
  • Some women try to prevent feminine problem by maintaining proper hygiene. However some women tend to practice wrong feminine hygiene with the use of wrong product or soap which only makes the problem worse.

Now women can put these worries behind, Puyikang Takara has all the answers.It helps wash away vaginal discharge and odour-causing bacteria while providing an invigorating cleansing of the vaginal walls. It also help strengthens the vaginal muscle tissue by increasing its elasticity and contractile strength hence restoring the sensitivity of the feminine areas. Regular use will help you regulate menstruation and eliminate feminine problems. K-Puyikang will give you the confidence to be the woman that you are once more.PUYIKANG TAKARA is a unique feminine hygiene product from Japan which may be used daily for women’s protection against vaginal problems. Research shows that one contributing reason for the increased number of women suffering from cervix cancer is the lack of feminine hygiene leading to bacterial, viral or fungal infections. Said infection results in unsightly white leucorrhea discharges, embarrassing odor, irritation and inflammation of the vagina, the fallopian tube and the cervix. Puyikang Takara can resolve these vaginal problems. It helps overcome women’s irritating problems such as unhygienic secretions, white discharge, unpleasant odor, stench, vaginal itch, etc. It reduces inflammation, kills germs, avoids feminine dampness and prevents looseness and ageing. Puyikang Takara helps regulates menstrual period and helps cleans the uterus, and provides a protective layer for the uterus lining. It also tightens and strengthens the women’s vaginal muscles for firmer sensation, providing maximum pleasure during sexual intercourse.
Clean, Protect, and tighten vagina muscles tighten Women Like Teen Back Increase Sexual Satisfaction Husband Wife Relationship

  • Special health products sensitive part of womanhood
  • Solve almost all problems are often experienced by female
  • Superior products with formulations japan
  • Made from natural ingredients that have been tested for safety for every woman
The benefits of using K-Puyikang include:
  • Eliminating bad odors.
  • Washing away bacteria.
  • Restoring youthful sensitivity.
  • Helping to return firmness to the vaginal muscles.
  • Preventing odors from happening in the first place.
  • Heightening intimate sensations for maximum pleasure
  • Staying clean will help you remain calm and worry less.
  • Restoring youthful confidence and maintaining sensitivity.
  • Optimally producing a clean, healthy, fresh and odorless environment.
  • Cleansing away discharge and bacteria that can cause embarrassing odors.
Puyikang Takara Function:
  • As an antiseptic to kill bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses
  • Prevent and cure excessive mucus emergence, irritability, vaginal discharge, taste and smell bad.
  • Re-tighten the muscles and tighten the vagina due to childbirth etc.
  • Helps the treatment of cervical cancer or a cyst.
Vaginal infections occur because:
  • Stress
  • Fluctuations in hormone production
  • Increased humidity and sweat in the vaginal area
  • Menopause
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Gestation
  • Drinking certain drugs or anti-biotic
  • Wearing pants that are too tight
  • Intercourse without adequate lubrication
  • Materials underwear that does not absorb sweat
  • Diabetes
  • Cleaning areas that are less clean femininity
The cause of lack Elastisan Vagina Muscles
  • Women who gave birth to loss of elasticity in pregnancy until the birth process widened the uterine muscle.
  • It could also result from too often do a husband-wife relationship.
  • Reduces pleasure when the husband-wife relationship.
Inflammation of the Vagina:
  • Occurs due to infections caused by viruses and bacteria
  • Often react with excessive mucus discharge, dark colored (yellowish to dark red) and smell.
  • In a more serious condition that can lead to serious bleeding.
  • Creates a feeling of discomfort / pain during intercourse.
  • It can also transmit the husband at the time of the husband-wife relationship.
Made from natural materials:
  • Radix Astragali
  • Rhizoma Dioscorea
  • Halloysitum rubrom
  • Cortex phellodendri
  • Fossoia ossis mastudi (os. Draonis)
How to Use:
  • Fill the tube dispenser with warm water until the boundary line which has been determined (± 100ml). Enter 1 (one) sachet of K-PUYIKANG into the dispenser tube, and shake until blended.
  • Apply pipe dispenser (about 5 cm) into the vagina and press the plastic bottle (spray), then the new pressure dispenser removed after the pipe is pulled out of the vagina. Repeat until.
  • Gunakan (30 minutes) before the bath.
  • Do not use soap or other products after the use of K-PUYIKANG.
  • The first week of use every day, then use 1 (one) week 1 (one) timeto feel the benefits of the sexual relationship of husband and wife after use for 1 week.
Direction of Use:The product comes with a douche (container) especially designed for women. Put contents of one (1) sachet in the container provided, add lukewarm water and shake well. Use at least 30 minutes before taking a bath and wash afterwards with warm water.Caution: 1. Not advisable for pregnant women. 2. Do not use during menstruation 3. Do not insert the douche to deeply to avoid discomfort, pain or even injury. 4. The product is not intended for any medical purposes, 5. If allergies or irritation occurred after using the product, please be advised to consult your physician.Quantity:
* 1 box = 7 sachet

K- Sage Plus

YOUR HEALTHY BRAIN LETS YOU HAVE A HAPPY LIVINGNatural herbal supplement for a Healthier mind(Improve your memory and alertness)
  • The brain is the central core of the human body and the source of intelligence. Only a healthy brain can let you enjoy a happy lifestyle.
  • The brain is the most metabolically active organ in the body, yet stress, improper medication, lack of exercise, unbalanced diet, radiation and other environmental pollutants pose a continuous threat to brain’s health and vitality “K - SAGE PLUS ” is a pure natural formula with 100% herbal extract for a healthy brain. Research shows Chinese herbs have the power to improve brain health. With the combination of ancient oriental wisdom and modern herb processing technology, “K - SAGE PLUS ” revitalizes and rejuvenates the brain.
  • The most important factor of normal brain function is the blood supply to the brain, and the nutrient and oxygen content of the blood. “K - SAGE PLUS ” helps to increase blood circulation to the brain so that it can stay at its peak performance. Recent studies show that brain cells continue to develop even in adulthood, suggesting that damage caused by injury and disease is repairable. “K - SAGE PLUS ” simulates brain cells to regenerate, so the recovery from cerebropathy can be greatly increased.
  • Only a limited percentage of the brain is active for normal functions, while the remaining part stays in a state of dormancy. “K - SAGE PLUS ” can activate the dormant neural cells, and promote the functional migration from damaged brain parts to healthy parts.
  • The negative congenital heredity impact, infections, toxin, external injury, environmental pollution, electromagnetic emission, fast pace working environment and intense competition creates pressure and has a negative impact on our brain. Our brain has been suffering due to this. There are more than 24 million nerve people suffering senile Dementia, (Alzheimer disease). How many of us are still suffering from the various stages of unhealthy state?
According to the statistic of the World Health Organization, there are about 3.6 billion people who are in this negative mental state. K - Sage Plus is made from extracts of plants by using advanced scientific method. K - Sage Plus has the following functions.
  1. To improve the synthesis of the neurons FOS Protein, enhance thinking ability and memory.
  2. K - Sage Plus will enhance the synthesis of nerve growth factors of nerves, promote the proliferation and regeneration of the Central Nerve Cells and facilitate the regeneration of the nerve “axons” and “dendrites” thus helping the reestablishment of nerve network.
  3. To improve synthesis of DNA/RNA of cerebral cells and promotes the growth and development cerebral cells.
  4. K - Sage Plus will block the synthesizing channel of nitric acid to decrease the generation of nitric oxide (NO) and inhibit the death of cerebral cells.
  5. K - Sage Plus has the ability to raise the activity of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in cerebral cells to rid it of free radicals so as to protect the brain.
  6. Reduce blood viscosity hence increase the blood flow to the brain for the benefit of cerebral cells.
  7. Adjust the level of the three major neurotransmitters, strengthen neuron functions and to “excite” the Central Nerve Cells.
  8. Helps reduce the energy consumption of the cerebral tissues, thus, improving the energy metabolism in the brain to ease its fatigue and to restore the cerebral functions.
  9. K - SAGE PLUS capsule is a pure nature herbal product extracted and refined through advanced GMP/ISO facility in United States. Capsules are non-toxic, non-addictive and have no side effects.
  • K - Sage Plus is suitable for students, children and those who suffer from brain problems.
  • K - Sage Plus can make remarkable improvement for those who are mentally handicap, those suffering from senile dementia and other brain problems.
  • K - Sage Plus is able to help students and children to improve their memory, thinking and learning ability.
  • K - Sage Plus can soothe mental tiredness, especially for those who need to work for long period, to improve working efficiency and repair the damaged cells of the brain caused by the magnetic waves emitted by handphone, computer and other electrical appliances.
Caution : Not suitable for pregnant women and infants aged less than 6 months.Dosage : 2 times a day, 2 capsules each time before meal. For Children half of normal dosage (1 capsule only)Note : When taking K - Sage Plus , drink more water and stay away from spicy food.Scientific Breakthrough
  • Scientists have found that pure natural plants contain a substance called “NaFeEDTA”, which can effectively strengthen the memory.
  • According to this, after many years of study and reasoning, we have at last successfully developed a high-tech health care product that can effectively strengthen the memory, K - Sage Plus capsule.
  • Modern medical researches have proved that the decrease of memory has a close relation with free radicals.
  • Free radicals attack biomembranes, DNA and other biological macromolecules, induce lipid Peroxidation, which in turn damage brain cells.
  • The “NaFeEDTA” contained in the K - Sage Plus capsule is an excellent free radical scavenger.
  • Experiments have proved that K - Sage Plus capsules have a strong effect of elimination.
  • Under the experiment conditions in and out of the body, it can be observed that K - Sage Plus capsules have an excellent effect to restore brain damage caused by free radicals.
  • K - Sage Plus capsule can effectively prevent, check and terminate the chain reaction of lipid Peroxidation caused by oxygen free radicals, restrain brain damage by free radicals from every aspect, so it can effectively improve human memory, prevent and cure senile dementia, and overall has a very obvious therapeutic effect.
  • K - Sage Plus Capsule is extracted from pure natural plants and synthesized by high-tech method.
  • It has been proved by the health inspection department through strict examinations that K - Sage Plus capsule has no ill or negative effects, results in no pollution, contains no hormones and causes no dependence.
K - SAGE PLUS Capsule is a natural scientifically formulated dietary supplement made in GMP facility.The Mechanism of K - Sage Plus in Maintaining a Healthy Brain and Benefiting Intelligence1. Permeate the blood brain barrier
  • The blood brain barrier can effectively maintain the brain macro-environment to protect the normal structure and function of the central nerve system, however, it also hinders the treatment for the brain diseases.
  • The active ingredients of K - Sage Plus can permeate the blood brain barrier and act on the brain nerve cells for protection and treatment.
  • Some ingredients may temporarily improve permeation of the blood brain barrier to increase the flow of the amount of the medicine into the inner brain.
  • It can make some of the nutritious substances available to benefit the brain.
2. Energize the dormant neurons and make them into the new neurons - synapsis links
  • There are approximately 15 billions of neurons in the human brain, where there are only 1-2% of the neurons works in the normal physiological activities; more than 95% of them are in the dormant state.
  • K - Sage Plus can accelerate the development of the nerve axons and dendrites and energize some of the dormant neurons, increase the amount of the neurons that join the physiological activities, make new neurons links, laid a tissue structural basis to improve memory.
3. Improve enzyme activity, increase brain memory peptide integration
  • K - Sage Plus can effectively reduce the activity of the inner brain AchE and the serum, inhibit the AchE integration, improve the activity of the SOD and GSH-PX, so that improve the body antioxidative activity, decrease the disintegration of oxygen free radicals and of acetylcholine, increase the RNA content in the brain, so that improve the integration of memory peptide and improve memory.
4. Adjust neurotransmitter level
  • Neurotransmitter is the important chemical substance that joins the information transmission; it consists mainly of acetylcholine, monoamine and amino acids.
  • K - Sage Plus modulates the level of acetylcholine by impacting AchE, so that functions in improving study and memory.
  • By modulating the level of inner brain Glu„ ASP-GABA, it maintains the stability of Ca++ in the neurons to protect the neurons from being attacked by the neural toxic.
5. Improve blood rheology and barrier of the macro circulation
  • Incomplete brain ischemia may result in the increase of the whole blood viscosity, whole blood reduction viscosity, blood plasma viscosity, erythrocyte hardness index erythrocyte accumulation index.
  • The blood is in a state of high consistence, high viscosity, high solidification and high polymerization, this makes brain blood stream silting, increase of the circulation resistance, brain macro circulation obstacle.
  • K - Sage Plus can effectively reduce the whole blood viscosity, whole blood reduction viscosity, blood plasma viscosity, erythrocyte hardness index, degrade blood vessel resistance, increase brain blood flow, thus improve the blood rheology and degrade the barrier of the macro circulation, to accelerate the normal blood circulation.
6. Debase inner brain ATP consumption
  • After the incomplete ischemia, the inner brain ATP content decreases, lactic acid content increase obviously, K - Sage Plus decelerates the ATP consumption resulted from the cerebral ischemia, decreases the generation of the lactic acid obviously, so as to debase the energy consumption resulted from the incomplete hypoxia and ischemia in the brain tissue, improve energy availability, improve apparently the inner brain energy metabolism, it is of the promotion effect in the recovering brain function.
7. Decrease the formation of nitrogen monoxide
  • Nitric Oxide (NO) is a non-traditional neurotransmitter, its function is of amphicheirality selectivity, it not only has the signal transmitting function, mediate neuro-toxic action of Glu, but also inhibit the normal mitochondrion energy synthesis and result in the dying of the cells.
  • K - Sage Plus can effectively degrade the increase of NO content resulted from cerebral ischemia in the brain tissue, so that regulate the amount of NO formation or blocks its synthetic pass way and therefore, has the effect of protecting nerve cells from being attacked from toxin.
8. Accelerate the synthesis and secretion of NGF
  • NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) is a kind of short peptide; it is of many kinds of nutritional biological effect for the nerve cells. It can accelerate the differentiation of nerve trunk cells, maintain the specific function and the surviving time of the neurons, guide the growth of the nerve fiber, and promote the recovering of neuron damages and regeneration.
  • Lacking of nutritional support of NGF is an important cause of retrograde affection.
  • There are at least five ingredients of K - Sage Plus can increase 15-20 times of the NGF secretion amount.
  • The study shows that K - Sage Plus is rich in short peptide substances that is similar to the NGF, which plays an important role in decreasing damages from the free radicals, inhibiting the apoptosis of nerve cells and accelerating the recovery of nerve cells function.
  • In conclusion, K - Sage Plus can accelerate study and memory and benefit intelligence on the whole, by way of protecting the neurons, repairing its damages, inhibiting its apoptosis, energizing its dormant neurons, accelerating the development and differentiation of the nerve trunk cells and reestablishing nerve networks etc., through multi-links, multi-pathway and multi-targets.
Eight Functions of K - Sage Plus
  1. Develop potential intelligence and improve intellectual quotient
  2. Strengthen action of anti-oxidation and delay the aging of brain cells
  3. Permeate blood brain barrier and nourish brain cells
  4. Accelerate brain blood circulation and supply more blood to the brain
  5. Exclude toxic substances and dredge brain nerve network
  6. Resist electromagnetic radiation and repair brain damage
  7. Improve sleeping quality and promote memory
  8. Decrease brain fatigue and ease tensions and pressures
Supplement Facts
  • Korean Ginseng Extract
  • Cordyceps Extract
  • Grape Seeds Extract
  • Lycium Barbarum Extract
  • Reishi Mushroom Extract
  • Safflower Extract
  • Zizyphus Semen Extract
  • Vegetable Fibers
K - Sage Plus Benefits
  • Helps improve memory
  • Helps reduce stress
  • Helps to improve sleep
  • Helps relax the brain from lethargy.
  • Helps to promote alertness.
Use :
  • Suitable for Children, students, adults and the elderly to improve memory retention and alertness.
  • Helps students and children to improve their memory retention, mental ability and learning capacity.


K-OsteoCal powder contains a unique blend of organic calcium, marine collagen, multi-vitamins and multi-minerals. It is formulated as a readily available and well assimilated calcium and collagen source particularly recommended to people from all walks of life. In addition, this unique product also contains health-promoting ingredients that contribute to boosting your immune system and is particularly useful for health problems of bones.
Essential Role of Calcium and Collagen Towards Our Health

Regular intake of calcium and collagen everyday is the key to prevent and treat calcium and collagen deficiency. Calcium and collagen is essential in helping to build and strengthen our bones and fortified our tendons and cartilage respectively. As we age, we require calcium, collagen and certain minerals as supplements due to our imbalance diet and that our body can no longer produce enough quantities for the body to repair itself. As a consequence of this our body begins to deteriorate giving rise to health problems such as “brittle” bones and joints discomfort. It is vital to supplement food with calcium, collagen and minerals.
Why do we require Calcium and Collagen?


Calcium is found mostly in our bones. Our food intake provides us with calcium. Calcium provides nutrients for our heart to beat and muscles to function. Our bones are constantly eroded throughout our life and are replaced with new bone tissue. If our diet is calcium deficient, our calcium needs for proper body function is taken from the bones. Our bones will degenerate if calcium is not replaced and hence lead to health problems such as brittle bones or osteoporosis.


The cartilage between our joints is mostly made up of collagen. The cartilage acts as a cushion between our joints as we move. Having a healthy cartilage is important to ensure healthy joints where we can have unrestricted movements without discomfort.

Calcium from Seaweed

Over many years, people throughout the world have discovered and enjoyed the benefits of seaweed, either in food, health products or natural therapies. The seaweed is well known for its abundance source of calcium and other trace minerals which the body needs.

Seaweed is one of the richest plant sources of calcium. The calcium from K-OsteoCal is derived from seaweed harvested from the seaK-OsteoCal?

  • K-OsteoCal originates from seaweed that absorbs essential minerals and nutrients from the sea.
  • It contains a broad range of minerals and collagen that assist in developing bones, maintaining healthy joints and enhance calcium absorption.
  • It has higher bioavailability and better calcium absorption than calcium carbonate and tricalcium phosphate.
  • It contains a high concentration of other Bone-Essential Minerals such as Magnesium, Boron,..
Bone-Essential Minerals:
  • Magnesium, which builds and strengthens the soft centre of the bones onto which minerals adhere to.
  • It also contains Boron that helps to enhance calcium absorption.
  • Together with Copper and Zinc, they play a role with Enzyme co-factors to build up and cell division of bones.
Benefits of K-OsteoCal:
  • Helps to maintain strong bones and healthy teeth
  • Helps to decrease risk of bone loss and fractures
  • Helps to improve joint functions
  • Helps to lower risk of colon cancer
  • Helps to monitor regular heart beat
  • Helps to alleviate insomnia
  • Helps to metabolise your body’s iron
  • Assisting nervous system, especially in impulse mission
  • Assists in weight management
  • Helps in preventing blood clot and helps in muscle contraction
  • Utilising amino acids as building blocks for all body protein
  • Assists in maintaining healthy joints

5 in 1 Coffee from Malaysia

K-LINK Arabica Coffee is made from a unique blend of high quality Arabica coffee beans with ginseng and ganoderma extract. Start your morning with a fresh cup of K-Link Arabica coffee. Its delightful aroma is enough to freshen you up, making you feel more energetic and rejuvenated. Premium Blend refreshing coffee for anytime. The 5 in 1 Arabica Coffee, selection of coffees are a collection of delicious, healthy blends including the remarkable GANODERMA extract and GINSENG which helps to strengthen the body’s immune system. K-Link Arabica Coffee 5-1 is made from a unique blend of high quality Arabica coffee beans, Ginseng extract and Ganoderma extract.Contents:
  • Arabica Coffee Beans of Premium quality
  • Ganoderma extract
  • Ginseng extract
  • Non dairy Milk cream
  • Sweetener
  • Uniqueness
  • Instant coffee
No sugar, No milk needed. GANODERMA LUCIDIUM is regarded by the Chinese as “THE MIRACULOUS KING OF HERBS” It is reported to be able to improve the body’s healing ability, maintain a healthy body and to promote longevity.Ganoderma’s basic functions are:
  • Is rich in anti-oxidants.
  • Provides more Energy and Vigor. (Less Fatigue)
  • Lowers cholesterol in the blood and the amount of free fat.
  • Lowers blood lipids and stabilize red cell membrane.
  • Adenosine element in Ganoderma can lower platelets angulations and lose thrombi and prevent thrombosis.
  • Reduces blood sugar level; to restore pancreas functions.
  • Improves the function of the cortex of the adrenal glands to maintain endocrine balances.
  • Elevates the natural healing ability, allow the body to establish a strong immune system.
  • Prevents tissue cell degeneration.
  • Prevents senility, maintaining youthful constitution.
  • Lowers the side effects of anti-hypertension drugs.
  • Prevents organ degeneration.
  • Prevents allergy caused by antigen, because it inhibits the histamine-releasing mast cell.
  • Rejuvenates concentration and alertness.
  • Prevents cancer and inhibits cell metastasis.
  • Helps to prolong Human Life and to preserve agility of Human body.
  • Regulates the activity of the Central Nervous System (C.N.S)
  • Regulates the Blood Pressure and aids the blood circulation.
  • Lowers the level of blood sugar and Uric Sugar.
  • Promotes the bio-synthesis of ribonucleic acid and protein in the Liver, Marrow and Testicles.
  • Resistance of human body against Heart - Shock.
  • Detoxifies.
  • Energizes.
Ganoderma – known as King of Herbs and is rich in:1. Polysaccharide anti-cancer, immune system enhancer, anti-oxidant, colon cleansing, lowering cholesterol.2. Triterpenes simple lipids, known to lower cholesterol, acts as steroid to enhance the body hormones and increase resistance, improves glucose level, anti-allergy and strengthen the liver.3. Adenosine improves blood circulation, strengthen nerves and brain functions, energy and inhibits platelet aggregation.4. Organic Germanium improves oxygenation of the cell and strengthen immune system. 5. Ginseng is highly prized as a product that gives body resistance to stress.
  • Arabica Coffee allow you to continue to savor the full-bodied flavor you expect in a premium instant coffee and feel invigorated, without the possible harsh side-effects of “quitting” coffee or sacrificing the taste you expect and love.
  • Arabica Coffee give you that ‘kick’ you expect (from the revitalizing properties of Ganoderma and Ginseng) while minimizing the potential health detriments caused from excessive caffeine consumption.
  • Couple this with the powerful healthy regenerative properties of the Ganoderma Lucidum and Ginseng, and you will never have to feel guilty about your love for coffee again!!!!
  • Enjoy the benefits and delicious taste of the healthy Arabica Coffee and know that you are drinking something good for your body and truly satisfying to your taste buds!!!
Directions of use :
  • Take one sachet of K-Link Coffee 5 in 1 and mix it with hot water (150 ml), stir it.
  • Consume 1 sachet of K-Link Coffee 5 in 1 in the morning and 1 sachet in the afternoon will gives sexual vigor and vitality

Huwebes, Oktubre 4, 2012

Liquid Collagen

Necessary drink for Youthful Skin
Collagen covers 30% of the whole protein content in the body. It is found in the whole body and organs like our bones, cartilage bones, ligaments, blood vessels, skin and other parts. Its main functions are regaining the tautness, moisture and shine of the skin as well as maintaining the structure and shape of our internal organs. Besides that, it is also an essential ingredient for regenerating damaged tissues.
Tests and researches found that collagen in the body deteriorates after the age of 20-25 years old. Therefore, appropriate intake of collagen daily is necessary.
Collagen in K-Liquid Collagen Drink helps:
  • Rejuvenate maturing skins
  • Deeply moisturize and tone skin.
  • Delay the ageing process,
  • Clearly improve skin immunology, compactness and pigmentation
  • Smooth mimic wrinkles
  • Smooth scars, stretch marks and scalded skin
  • Regenerate hair and nails: gray hair gets darker, brows and eye lashes start growing again, nails get harder and more elastic.
  • Force the semi-peptides and amino acids into the extra cellular skin sub layer
  • Elasticize and soften hard skin
  • Deeply hydrate the skin enhancing its firmness

Also helps in the treatment of :
• Paradontosis
• Allergies
• Juvenile acne and acne rosacea
• Dermatosis, psoriasis and dandruff
• Cellulite
• Disorders of sebaceous and sweat glands
• Alopecia
• Arthritis
• Effective reducing the effects of minor burns , grazes and knocks

Kinotakara from Japan

Introducing Kinotakara from Japan!
We would like to share with you Japan’s most effective and advanced way of natural detoxification. Kinotakara is an unrivalled integration of Japanese advanced scientific technology and Chinese wellness knowledge. Welcome to the latest breakthrough in science: KINOTAKARA. The key to healthy living lies in a clean bloodstream as contaminated blood is not favorable for good health.
The founders of Kinotakara, Dr Takao Matsushita & Dr Kawase Itsuko, spent their lives searching for the secret behind longevity as sought by the sages of the ancient orient, a search that led them to consider the mystical powers & energy of trees. Now they have transformed the secret into a product for all humankind
The growth process of trees is a boundless source of knowledge & unexplained powers. Even under the worst weather conditions, trees can still grow and flourish for thousands of years on their own. If we could unlock the secret and apply it to humans, we may then find the key to longer life expectancy.
After over 26 years of research and development, it was discovered that wood vinegar essence found in oak, beech and sakura trees has the ability to absorb toxins. Kinotakara is made from a unique concoction of wood vinegar essence, and several other ingredients.
Kinotakara is a Very Unique Health Discovery!
  • Kinotakara is the latest wellness breakthrough from Japan.
  • It helps support the release of toxins and minor pain from the body.
  • It has gained unprecedented popularity in Japan, where sales have reached $18 million US Dollars a month.
  • Kinotakara is a science-based 3 product, developed from laboratory research in Japan.
  • Today, we pay tribute to the Japanese research community for their discovery. Their research on how trees grow, and the secrets behind their strong and lush growth, opened up new horizons for us to further
  • improve our state of health. They spent some 26 years on their research before they finally formulated Kinotakara… Nature’s newest gift of the 21st century.
  • The Kinotakara packets are All Natural and Certified safe by SIRIM Malaysia and PSB Singapore. Applied externally to the soles of your feet.
Kinotakara Helps:
  1. Absorb released body toxins.
  2. Alleviate minor pain in the body.
  3. Support normal blood circulation.
  4. Release swelling in the body.
  5. Improve the quality of sleep.
  • In forest life, trees were known to possess a potent ability to draw nutrients from their environment to support their long life.
  • After 26 years of hard and protracted research, the Japanese scientists (now associated with K-link) made a breakthrough discovery when they learned that the wood vinegar found in some trees is capable of helping absorb toxins released through the skin.
  • Their further research led to the formulation of KINOTAKARA - packets, as the most advanced way to provide their discovery to consumers.

KINOTAKARA - is a new profound product for mankind, for this millennium.
  • One night is all that KINOTAKARA needs to show that it helps absorb toxins released from the body. The photographs show the use of KINOTAKARA where the packet turns black, gray and brown.
  • Paste KINOTAKARA to the soles of the feet before sleeping. Upon pasting,
  • KINOTAKARA’s packet is white in color.
  • After a night’s application, the packet turns moist and changes color. This indicates that KINOTAKARA has helped absorb an amount of toxins released from the body..
  • Before use, the packet’s color is White.
  • After use, KINOTAKARA turns black, gray and brown. In some cases, it has traces of red spots.
  • All of us want to live a meaningful and exciting life and one prerequisite is good health. Without good health, life can be very difficult. With the rising number of diseases, good health seems to be more elusive. Studies show that over 98% of the world’s mortality rate is due to illness.
  • Toxins are substances which result in adverse chemical and physiological reactions in the body when ingested… this undermines our health or causes stress to our biochemical and organ functions. If toxins continue to accumulate in the body, they can cause the breakdown of the immune system and of major internal organs.

Mild cases of toxicity include:
  • Acne outbreak
  • Anxiety
  • Bad breath
  • Constipation
  • Digestive disorders
  • Headaches
  • Lethargy
  • Obesity
Chronic cases could result in:
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Heart problems
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver problems
Toxins not only affect our quality of life… but they can also shorten our lifespan.

Toxins in Our Body
Unfortunately, toxins in the body are unavoidable and pose a serious threat to the quality of our health and life. Listed below are many different ways that toxins enter into the body on a regular basis:
  • Daily Consumables.
  • Harmful chemicals in tap water.
  • Smoking & alcohol consumption.
  • Chemical, preservatives and artificial coloring in food.
  • Psychological causes such as stress, worry and depression.
  • Harmful chemicals in personal healthcare products and cosmetics.
  • Pollutants and industrial chemicals from cars and factories in the air.
  • Negative effects of radiation from mobile phones and electrical appliances.
We are exposed to toxins every day. We eat, drink and breathe… and because of this we subject ourselves to toxins all the time. Toxins are unavoidable! Detoxification, part of the normal structure and function of the body, helps clear the toxins; helps facilitate better blood circulation, and enhances the immune system. Ultimately, detoxification helps the body function better and gives the body a better chance to heal itself. There is no better time than now… to start building a stronger and healthier body.
Kinotakara helps support the release of minor pain and toxins from body.
Using advanced technology… processed wood vinegar and natural resource extracts are made into packets.
KINOTAKARA placed over the Reflex Points on the sole of the foot, helps absorb the toxins released from the entire body.
  • By sticking KINOTAKARA on the soles of the feet before going to bed, you will discover the mysteries the following day.
  • The color of the packets will change to grayish or brownish.
  • They will contain a lot of unpleasant fluid and may emit an odor.
  • This shows that the unwanted or unhealthy lymphatic fluid from the body has been absorbed through the soles of the feet.
  • When used continuously, the coloration changes into lighter tones.
  • This indicates that the toxins in the body have been reduced.
  • The soles are reflexive zones of our human organs and the soles are recognized as the “second heart” of the human body, supporting lymphatic circulation.
  • Toxins often circulate and accumulate here.
  • Kinotakara can help absorb these toxins and give you a nice fresh feeling.
  • Kinotakara also can relax muscles, activate body cells, enhance metabolism, support the immune system, improve sleep quality and can help you feel energetic.

Magnetic Bracelets

Magnetic bracelets work by using magnetic fields, which are generated by the earth's magnetism, solar storms, power lines, electrical devices, and even by the chemical reactions of the human body (within the cells and the nervous system). Studies have shown magnetic bracelets to have health benefits. With continued use, these include effects on physical and mental well-being.


  • Magnetic bracelets have been shown to hel joint, bone and muscle pains--the principal complaints of arthritic diseases. The magnetic property appears to supplement additional treatment to improve the well-being of the arthritis patient.


  • Chronic headaches, especially migraines, can have a deep effect on quality of life. Some patients wearing magnetic bracelets have found decreases in the number of headaches or their severity.

Chronic Pain

  • It is thought that a negative magnetic field will normalize disturbed metabolic functions that cause certain painful conditions such as inflammation or cell degeneration.

Stress Relief

  • Magnetic bracelets have been thought to decrease stress and improve sleep. Magnetic fields put directly on top of the head have been proven even more useful for their calming effect.


  • A 1974 study by Albert Roy Davis, Ph.D, showed magnets to kill cancer cells in animals. While there is no proof that it can cure cancer in humans, the use of magnetic bracelets has been recommended by some as an additional element in the treatment of cancer patients.